
Sunday, December 26, 2010

Arctic Antics?

Hi guys sorry about not posting here much, I mainly focuses on my main club penguin cheats blog club penguin cheats 2d max. ( Anyway there is a way to get free club penguin membership! A sight called Arctic Antics! You play games to earn points to win membership. Now of course Arctic Antics needs a cheat blog right? But where to find one? Here at Let Anna1090 and her team guide you through Arctic Antics with some of the best Arctic Antics cheats ever!

C ya
- Go Roos 23

Monday, November 1, 2010

Welcome to my blog!

im Go Roos 23 from Club Penguin. Stay Tuned For lots of club penguin cheats!
Vist my main site with my other teamate 619 Rey Dx at

Heres a pic of penguin of  how he looks at the moment: